Evans, who says he is the first expert witness in a U.S. court case to have his fee paid in bitcoin, told the court that because no central bank or government backs bitcoin, regulation around the cryptocurrency remains messy; and the IRS believes bitcoin transactions are akin to barter.


Prosecutor Tom Haggerty argued that because there are numerous places where people can now use bitcoins to pay for products or services — such as shops, restaurants and even cosmetic surgery clinics — it should be considered the same as cash. “You don’t purchase a hamburger with a comic book,” Haggerty said. “You usually purchase it with cash, or in this case, a bitcoin.”


Bitcoin is the world’s most valuable cryptocurrency with a market capitalization of over $70 billion. It was created by an anonymous person or persons known as Satoshi Nakamoto. It is a decentralized and anonymous payment method which allows transactions to happen almost instantly and doesn’t require a third-party to verify those transactions — making it a much cheaper way of sending money around the world.

The reputation of bitcoin has, however, been tarnished with links to criminal activity with the anonymous nature of the currency making it appealing to those seeking to buy and sell drugs, guns and other illegal items. On Friday, as the court was hearing evidence, the cryptocurrency was experiencing a surge in its price, passing the $500 for the first time in almost two years.


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